Saturday 2 October 2010

Dear Diary . . .

Dear diary its 11:30pm had a long day, didn't get to scribble anything down yesterday! Yeah yesterday was dad's 40th day prayer (that's gist for another day, it went very very well)! I can officially say that life goes on! Oh yea it does . . . Typha eventually changed her BBM(black berry messenger) display picture to something that didn't have to do with daddy! She's obviously getting better!
Dear Diary, I cried again today! Someone upset me! She said I was being unreal bout my love for my dad! How could she say that, DD? How? I said I wasn't going to write something that had to do with daddy in a while and yet she made me! DD(Dear Diary) you know I loved my daddy right? Remember I told you bout how close we were? Remember I told you how when I was in Junior secondary I'll fall ill at the slightest opportunity just cos I knew daddy would be there! Remember when I told you of how I became his mini p.a at about that time? And how he almost killed a bike guy for hitting me! And how he had this mischievous,happy n smiling face! Am sure you remember everything sef!
Gosh . . Now am angry self . . And she's supposed to be my friend o! I understand that she's got bottled up aggression! But DD how could she have been so insensitive as to say a thing like that! I was really upset! But then I read all the stuff I had told you previously about ma dad! Am sure you know I love him right? Yea am sure you do, and he knows I did and still do.
Asides that DD, Nike came today! Yea, same nike o. . Funny enough we were all having a conversation . . Come to think of it all us involved have lost one parent at some time. . Well we had to go out. I, Morenike (lol, yea same Morenike), Deola and Nike had to go out. Lol . . No DD not out as in out like that! Remember last week I told you I wanted to eat sharwama!! I finally had my sharwama today, laughed heartily, and at least I had a reason to be happy! Guess what DD, someone says am just like my dad, kai my head was swelling! Woh DD am kind of tired! *yawn* I'll give you more gist tomorrow! Thanks for the space and time . . .

P.S : Dear Diary, I'm going to copy this to my blog . . Yea I know we said we should keep anything I write in you strictly between u and I. Am sorry jare . . I promise I won't do it again :D


  1. Very great, short & simple piece ..... NoOne really needs to tell U̶̲̥̅̊ or try to rate your love for is perhaps not a feeling, but a way of life...for the lil time you & dad have been together, for the smiles you have shared, for the errands you have ran, for the tears you have shed. It was all done for sure God should be in the best position to judge, not man......Abegi ur write up is Dope...Dear Diary, I think I might be needing ur Twin sister soon, so imma start scribbling some things down.. Bless Ya Bella

  2. Really nice write-up!! You and Sharwama! Really Dope!!! I know you love your dad, I remember you were always going on about him even on twitter!

  3. You have your way with words! Thumbs up babe

  4. sofowora Olatunde3 October 2010 at 03:44

    Nicely written. Cool

  5. Dear Diary! DD!! I want to steal you and read you! Lol! Nice one girl! You know how to carry your readers along!

  6. I just read the blog post prior to this one, about your daddy. So courageous and I'm so glad you experienced so many wonderful things with him.

  7. Writing has this weird ability of making u feel better abt stuff...just gettin it all out...pls cntinue dear! Keep sharing the wonderful moments u hd wt ur father...he was obviously very special to u...
